Tel: 07702939020

Clinical Hypnosis
Sue Turner MNCH, DCH, DHP
We all live with a level of anxiety and for some it gives us drive and motivation. But for others it can feel like an overwhelming state of negative thought which seems to feed on itself. Very sensitive and intelligent people are often more prone to anxiety, as they often worry about anything and everything. Their brains are looking for fodder to feed on.
If you have ever suffered from spontaneous feelings of anxiety or fear you may be experiencing a panic attack. You may have had symptoms such as:
Shortness of breath or smothering sensation
Dizziness or unsteady feeling
Heart palpitations or rapid heartbeat
Trembling or shaking
Nausea or abdominal distress
Feelings of being detached or out of touch with your body
Numbness or tingling sensations
Flushes or chills
Chest pain or discomfort
Fear or dying
These feelings of anxiety and fear can feel so physical that it can often lead people to believe that they are having a heart attack.
The reason they feel so physical is because when we become anxious or afraid, the adrenaline released into our body causes it to go into the fear flight or fight mode. The adrenaline sends blood to the legs so that we can get ready to run if we are in danger but that can make our legs feel very wobbly. It freezes the blood supply to the stomach so that we cannot eat. It can give us that jittery anxious feeling in the abdomen or the chest. It causes blood to rush to the head so we can make decisions about whether to stay and fight or run. This can make us feel dizzy. It will cause the heart to beat much faster and the breathing to become more shallow so that our body is getting revved up like an engine ready to run.
Anxiety attacks can start at any time in your life. Some anxious people may have learned an element of anxiety if they grew up in an anxious household but for others it can often occur after a life changing event or a long period of difficulty or emotional upset. Many people might cope through times of great difficulty and then are surprised to find that they start to feel anxious after the event, even though they may have thought they had dealt with it.
Many people experience what is known as the fear of the fear.
Hypnotherapy will help you learn how to take control of these feelings, learn to relax and get things in their true perspective. You will learn how to slow your body down and feel more in charge of the situation.
Self-hypnosis is taught as part of the treatment.